Hey, folks! Yesterday, I was browsing through a nearby Goodwill's decrepit electronics section, when I stumbled upon something very interesting: a Fujifilm camera. Specifically, it was a Finepix S2000HD. I'd been interested in trying a Fuji for a while, so I figured this wasn't a bad use of $15. Here's how it went... My first impressions: This camera is surprisingly feature-rich. It has a proper manual shooting mode. It also has a 10 megapixel 1/2.3 inch CCD sensor. The integrated lens supports up to 15x optical zoom, which isn't too shabby. Best of all, it has an electronic viewfinder! Not bad for a little bridge camera from 2009. It's also nice that it runs off of 4 AA batteries and can take any SD card up to 32 GB. This Fuji is very compact, making it great for casual shooting. After shooting with this camera for a day, I have a couple of thoughts. The colors are beautiful, and the CCD provides that classic digicam look. The photos this camera takes don'
John Spahr
Thoughts, Projects, & Photography