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Canon 50D - Sample Pics

Hi, folks! I have a (really) quick post for you today. I just got a Canon EOS 50D as a backup for my Rebel T7, and I'm highly impressed. Despite being pretty old, this DSLR pumps out some incredible pictures. Some cameras are timeless, and many of these old Canon digitals are shining examples of this. Eventually, I may cover the 50D in more detail. But for now, here are some of my favorite photos that I've taken with it. Enjoy!

December 27 Photo Dump

Hey, everyone! Today, I got some pictures just outside of Galveston, IN. As usual, I took my trusty Canon Rebel T7. However, I decided to change things up with my lens of choice. Meet the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens , ideal for close-ups and portrait photography! It's not the most versatile, featuring a fixed focal length of 50mm, but it is still useful in many situations. So, here's what this compact yet powerful lens can produce: Pretty cool, right? I'm pleased. I made minimal edits to these photos, and I think they came out nicely.  Moving forward, I plan to start doing more edits to my photos and explore RAW photography. I've even secured a Creative License again! Stay tuned for that; it's going to be cool. That's about all for now, though. Thanks for reading and looking at my pics. Have a good one!

2024: A Year of Firsts

Hey, everyone! Merry Christmas! Crazy to think that we're basically a week from 2025. It's been quite a year. In truth, 2024 has by far been the most eventful year of my life. I graduated high school, bought myself a new (to me) car, started college, and much, much more. So many great things have happened, and I'm extremely grateful for my new experiences this year. But not everything has been perfect. I fell out of touch with one of my best friends, something that took a while to come to terms with. I fell in love and lost; I'm still moving on from the breakup. I fell into a rut that I'm still climbing out of. 2024 has been a mixed bag, but it's also been a year of firsts. I've been able to do so many new things this year. I've met loads of new people. But most importantly, compared to the person I was in January, I'm way different now. And that's not a bad thing. My hobbies and interests keep me going, and this blog continues to be my favorite ...

Sony's CD Mavica is WEIRD (and Awesome!!)

Just when you think you've seen everything, you're gifted a still camera that saves images to compact discs . I had been aware of Sony's CD Mavica line of cameras for a while, and I had owned numerous floppy disk Mavicas, but using a CD Mavica for the first time was surreal nonetheless. There's something special about a camera with a whole optical drive in it. It reminds me a lot of a Discman. I was fortunate enough to get mine for free with all of its accessories and several blank discs. My model is the MVC-CD400, and it was one of several CD-based Mavicas in Sony's lineup. This camera, in particular, dates back to around 2002. The weird round shape is the result of cramming a whole CD mechanism in this camera. The hardware is delightfully 2000s. The entire front panel, including its surprisingly bright LCD, folds out to reveal a compact optical drive. It reads 8-centimeter "mini" CDs. These are significantly smaller than normal CDs, and while the camera ...

My New Favorite Thing: Ricoh GX100

If you’ve followed my work, you know I love my Canon Rebel T7. I'll admit, I’m a sucker for DSLRs. They’re inherently more mechanical in nature than their more modern mirrorless and mobile alternatives. Problem is, they’re big and bulky. And I love that… Except when I’m on the go. Sometimes, I just don’t have time to be swapping lenses.  That's where phone photography comes in, right? Well, not really. I love the various tactile controls and shooting modes on my Rebel. Using a phone feels soulless by comparison, with everything being dumbed down and AI-assisted. I was after a DSLR-like point-and-shoot camera, and that's where this little guy came in... Meet Uncle Ricoh! Obligatory Napoleon Dynamite joke out of the way, this is my favorite point-and-shoot camera I’ve owned. This is the Ricoh Caplio GX100 from 2007. It has all sorts of snazzy features that satisfy the camera geek within me. I'm talking about multiple knobs and dials. I'm talking   about a proper  man...

Globe Light Photo Dump

Hey folks! Tonight, I got some pretty neat close-ups of a few objects around my dorm room. These included my vintage Pioneer turntable, a snow globe, and a mysterious glass orb. I paired these with LED lights to get some unique ambient and abstract shots. To preserve colors, I did not make any edits. What camera did I use? You guessed it; my trusty Canon Rebel T7 with a Canon 18-55mm lens. Admittedly, it is my favorite camera at the moment. Anyway, here's what I came up with: Those are the pics! I hope you found them interesting, cool, awesome, and everything in between. I definitely had fun with them.  Also, a massive thank you to Porter for helping me sift through these pics and choose the best one.  That's about all for now! Stay tuned for more.