Hey, everyone. I last posted around a month ago, so I wanted to share a few updates as to what has been going on since then. So, here are the happenings (in no particular order):
The Tech Vault
I quietly added this page to my website a few weeks ago. Basically, I share my cool old tech and what I use it for here. Check it out!
PreBook 1.7.0
I hadn't updated PreBook in forever, and the auto-updater was no longer working. Thankfully, this has been fixed! There's something highly amusing about using Facebook Messenger on a Palm Pre. ;)
Life Updates
Lastly, I've been very busy with school until recently. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was in a theater production that consumed a lot of my time. Thankfully, it went well and I now have much more free time. With my senior year of high school wrapping up, I look forward to seeing what this next chapter brings.